Tuesday, May 17, 2011

cheer up light

even light doesn't cheer me up now... light from within now makes some sense. I am referring to a lecture at Velux daylight symposium with the same title.... oufff it was too abstract but now I feel mine is dimmed... moods and light.... light of happiness....does it exist? is it the light from within?

Monday, May 9, 2011




light view thoughts

moments and thoughts

moments and thoughts

light view thoughts

moment and thoughts

moment and thoughts

light view thoughts

moment and thoughts

moment and thoughts

Well this is all for me from the Dracula's castle in Bran.

Saturday, May 7, 2011




nothing on light, I'm just amazed by the versatility that my kikuye has brought to my life. I use them as scarf, neck scarf, curtain, table cloth, skirt and more...